I know many people probably never tried a gun before they buy them and because guns cant be traded it makes it much worse.

Gun specifications doesnt let us imagime how the gun works.

So I would like to propose gun leasing where players lease a gun for 1 month at 32.75 percent of the original gun price.

For example, If i want to lease a bar, I will pay a fee of 65,500 gralats to lease it for one month. After 1 month, I could choose to lease again or buy the gun , or if its not for me, then I can choose to biy another gun.

Also, one a side note, since flamethrowers and CGs are getting more and more common, I would like to propose a permit to use these weapons. Players will have to pay a affordable 330,000 gralats after purchasing the gun using ECs to use the gun. Those without permits can have the gun with them, but they will not be able to fire any shots.

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