I would like to introduce a new measure to improve the admin quality in game.

This is called the Admin Quality Penalty. (AQP) For example, if a PR has been determined to be slacking (inactive or not doing a good job etc), his superiors could impose an AQP of 5000 gralats. This AQP will have to be paid by the admin through their player account and would be equivalent to a pay deduction.

For higher ups and superiors, because there is no other higher up to keep them in check, such as the manager and PRAs, the players will.

There should be kiosks in start park for players to do a approval rating vote on a weekly basis on the different higher ups and once the approval rating for a high staff falls below 45% (meaning, 55% of the people voted the against the admin), the high staff will face an AQP for 15000 gralats.

AQPs can be stacked for all admins, so if a PRA gets slapped with 20 AQPs in one month, the admin would have to pay 20 x 15000 = 300,000 gralats. If the admin does not have enough on his or her player account, he or she would have to be jailed for 1h for every 1000 gralats owed.

So lets say a PR owes 50,000 gralats after being slapped with AQPs. The admin would have to serve a 50h jail term on his or her player account.

This system acts as a check anf balance to sustain the quality of the admins and to also use economic forces to boost performances.

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