Guys, I love your work so much, and I have so much passion for it that, it brings me here in the first place! But guys, let’s be real. The P2Ks have become hot garbage for what their requirements stand as. 100,000 kills along with a price of 200,000 gralats should get you upwards of one of the best guns in the game. I mean there are PKers out here that grind for WEEKS even MONTHS straight just to get their hands on these weapons, hell, it took me YEARS to get 100k kills. Don’t you want it to feel worth it? The biggest let down you can have for a big fan of the game, such as myself, is to earn this grueling reward, 100k kills for the P2Ks AND ON TOP OF THAT 200k gralats ($80 U.S.), only to have a gun that I could have went and just bought from the store within the first hour of the game (if I bought iTunes) being the BAR that is heaps better than the P2Ks. I mean I remember when I would see people actually USE the P2Ks. Now people only use it when they’re bored or just wanna flex, not because it’s a good weapon. Guys this really needs consideration on being buffed, it’s these little things that make a big difference with the die hards, trust me! It’s all love guys, take it easy and please, I took time and passion to write this because I love your game! Think about it. Thank you!

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