Hotkeys are really cool and all–but there are two things I'd like to see that would (in my humble ol' opinion) make the menu better.

1. I want to be able to clear all of my hotkeys at the same time. Having to equip consumables in all of the slots then using all of them is really time consuming and annoying. A feature or a button that clears all of your hotkey items at once would be phenomenal.

2. I want to be able to adjust how many hotkeys are active at once. As you can see in the photo, not all of my slots are occupied; however I do own all 21 slots. I wanna be able to change the amount of slots that show up when I enter the hotkey menu, as I think it's provide a cleaner look and easier navigation.

This wouldn't impact buying hotkey slots, rather you're just able to customize them. You'd still be limited to the amount you own, you can just change visibility.

These seem like pretty easy improvements (especially the first one) and I'd be happy to see them implemented. Thanks, let me know if you have any suggestions or anything else to add.