Hello, its been awhile.

My password expired and I had been procrastinating its reset. Nonetheless I have became more active recently as the new game updates are very promising. Good work to all those who contributed.

But the age-old issue of basing is still a problem, so I shall present a new perspective towards resolving this issue.

Firstly, bases are still being taken by the usual gangs, many of which are talking in the tens of thousands of hours. Despite some efforts to help make things more fair by having a couple more doors in bases and enabling friendly-fire between allies, the issue isn't solved.

There needs to be some form of costs incurred if we want to help make the basing scene more fair.

As such...

I suggest that we implement a gradually-progressive fee on gangs with more than 4000 basing hours. Gradually progressive fee means that the amount increases with time, so the longer a gang holds a base the more it has to pay.

How will the fee be charged? The fee will be spread out amongst all members in that gang. So say after 5 hours of holding a base, a fee of 10,000 gralats will be levied on the gang, so each member pays an affordable 400 gralats (assuming 25 members in the gang). The fee shall be charged regardless of whether the member is offline or not - so long as he/she is in the gang. This will cause the gang to lose manpower as members who do not want to pay the fee leave the gang for other gangs, thereby allowing other gangs a chance at getting the base. I'm not saying that the gang has to pay as they could give up the base and avoid paying until their cap is lifted the next day/week. There has to be a cap on the hours.

If members do not have the gralats to pay, the member will automatically be kicked out of the gang and there will be a 72h cooldown until they can join back. If the leader does not have the gralats to pay, the gang automatically loses the base.

Here are my suggested caps:
gangs with >20k hours : 2h in 24h
gangs with >10k hours:5h in 24h
gangs with >5k hours: 8h in 24h
gangs with >1k hours : 10h in 24h
gangs with 1000h or less : no cap

Here are my suggested progressive fee:
1h after cap: 15,000 gralats (600 gralats/member for a gang with 25 members)
2nd hour after cap: 45,000 gralats (1800 gralats/member for a gang with 25 members)
3rd hour after cap: 90,000 gralats (3,600 gralats/member for a gang with 25 members)
4th hour and beyond after cap: 120,000 gralats per hour

So for example a gang with 25k hours decides to hold the base for 24h (18h beyond their 2h cap),
they would incur:
15,000+45,000+90,000+ (15+120,000) = 1.95 million gralats in costs for a day (Its just 78k per member for a 25 men gang)


Before you comment, I would just like to say that as much as we try not to involve gralats to solve some of our community problems, the use of gralats (econmics) is so deeply ingrained in our issues that its impossible for us to solve the issue seperately from economics. Its like we can't solve climate change separately from economics, or politics; There are overlaps and so are our community issues, I've seen admins try to solve them like separate entities but the alternative would probably not be effective nor efficient. Take the basing rework for example , that plan is labour intensive and until now no actual work has been done on it - when admins could just implement taxes that I have on multiple occasions suggested. Even basing itself works around the concept of scarcity, that a base can only be held by one gang at one time, so a gang holding the base means another gang cannot have it. To solve this problem the challenge is to evenly distribute the hours that basing gangs can get, and this could be done through control or through some form of costs incurred. There can be no change in the gang behaviour without costs. Control would refer to things that the developers do to try limit the hours, e.g. having a cap on the hours etc. That costs incurred would be the fees that I'm proposing. The amount can be changed, but you get the idea.