Yeah I see your points, there’s obviously a lot of complaints and rumours going around that players for example you’ve been teleporting around the ctf not taking damage and scoring in capture the flag. I think admins should at least consider the rumours and complaints going around and investigating these specific players , like monitoring well known players who are considered to eat bullets during events.

These players are just unstoppable, and so when they take the flag and just deal no damage, it’s just impossible to go against them or take back the flag. Skill doesn’t necessarily come into play, its mainly luck, sometimes these players take absolutely no damage, and sometimes it lasts for couple of seconds and then they suddenly take damage.

The only idea that’s on my mind is like having a certain ping limit for events. Like for ctf it should be a limit of ahh let’s say 600. If a player goes above 600 then they’re automatically kicked, but the only downfall of this idea is that many players who have a high consistent ping will just no longer participate in events since they have a high ping, so unfortunately this will affect quite a bit of players who are just trying to enjoy events . It’s a tough take on this situation, and it’s very hard to tackle this problem, so if people just keep suggesting new ideas and improvements then hopefully this could be changed.

Another way to deal with these hackers or these players who just don’t take damage is sending a. video recording of players who take no damage and if any hacking takes place. Send it to one of the Senior Player Relations and they’ll investigate on this issue.