Good Day Graalians

Car mission is my fav job in era cuz that job is not boring lol. The only problem of this job is the Car Mission's Guy Cooldown, It takes too long to the point where players will bunch up on the NPC just to get a PM and cuz of this Pkers will always take advantage of this problem, Another senario is players health were already depleted while getting the PM's on the NPC cuz of the Pkers in that area and eventually he got killed during the mission and because of that players loses alot of money.

I would like to suggest you to remove the Car Mission's Guy Cooldown but instead put it on the players, For example There is Player1, Player2, and Player3. Player 1 Gets the PM but didn't like the location so he/she tries to get it again on the NPC but it didn't allow it, then Player2 and Player3 try to get the PM's and at the same time both of them got 1.

I hope this suggestion will be helpful not just for me but also for other players who were struggling with car missions.

PS. Also add some achievements for this Job