Add some progression skins for guns that aren’t rewards!

PKers have the ability to grab themselves a gold BAR & Minigun once they reach 75000 kills which is something to look forward to while progressing towards the reward guns, (P2K & PSG-1), there is also a diamond skin for these guns that players can obtain later on.

Sparrers can only unlock gold and diamond skins for the Vector & M4A3, both of which are rewards. I believe there should be a gold skin that is available to obtain whilst progressing towards the Vector and also a diamond skin, that is available later on in the sparring journey, for two guns widely regarded to as “sparring guns”.

The obvious choices for the guns that should have these progression skins would be the M4 and Ghost M4, the only issue I see is that we already have the Gold M4 as an auction gun.

Let me know what you think!