Im not sure if there is a team that creates news that can be found in menu, so my idea is to create such team/edit current team since results are aweful, by which i mean:
1. Some of the news appear too late, such as new Japanese shop, it was actually released 22.04 but appeared in the news section after limited ryouma blades were actually sold out.
2. We dont get all the news in this section, by which I mean that some of the announcements can be read by global messages only, there are still no info on m107 challenge in news section and its been over a week since it started.
I believe that its not that hard to post announcements in news section few times a week so it can be done by 1 person. Maybe there are some extra news we can find in a newspaper, but imho such urgent announcements as limited item should be posted in the open section asap.