We have commonly associated auctions with problems caused by Pay-2-Win (P2W). Some of these problems include wider inequality for the players. As a result, the player community suffers.

But what if, auctions could happen without worsening the already uneven playing grounds for the players, for everyone?

Enter auctions of supers - by parts.

I propose each super be split into parts, each of which will be auctioned at auctions.

Take for example, the Vector gun. 1 Vector Gun could be broken down into 5 parts:

1. Vector gun Muzzle
2. Vector gun firing pin
3. Vector gun barrel
4. Vector gun trigger
5. Vector gun magazine

For one to own a 1 vector gun, he/she would need to collect all 5 parts, so auctions will still introduce supers into the community - but this time, without widening the inequality gap in game.

It could also be a better way to 'price things right'. Each of these parts could be sold for 400-500k++ at auctions, so it would raise 2-3 million gralats instead of 1 million++ if the gun was sold as a whole.

Auctions can happen without doing more damage to the playing field of the game and I firmly believe the way forward for this would be auctioning supers by parts.

Please add this in game.