Proposal: Electric Charging of overpowered weapons

If you have seen the PK situations in some places of the game, you would know that the lag is immense. Take for example, outside Box Factory base - Chemical Gun owners would rampantly fire their weapons for hours straight.

While this is good benefit for the gun owners, the lag and the non-skill based kills arising from that harms the community.

And then there are the powerful meelees with colored flames that players incessantly use in bases. More lag.

These weapons should have some form of cut-off time. So, I propose that these weapons be made CHARGEABLE. They would run on batteries, which will deplete after 2-3 hours, and they would have to be charged at charging stations for 8-12 hours. Public charging stations can be added around the map in game.

Alternatively, these charging stations can be sold for EC at event coin shop - for players to purchase to charge their weapons in their houses.

Hopefully this moderates the lag that these weapons have caused. For the greater good of the community, please add it.