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Thread: Help me (Account recovery)

  1. #1
    Graphic Designer Picciotti bondo2's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    onto ground

    Post Help me (Account recovery)

    Hello, firstly I'm Medhat Nagy (Bondo2)
    Am 26 years right now and working IRL as an Airport Traffic officer but I still love this game and I wanna play it in my free time lol,
    am playing Graal ERA since I was 15 years in 2012-2013, I found this game on Facebook when the flash player system was working, and I've spent a lot of lovely time playing with my friends in this game (using my pc)
    I lost my Facebook account twice, but I've recovered it and changed the confirm email, my only problem that I lost my hotmail account which access to Era account, also the flash player unavailable right now that's why I can't open the game anymore on Facebook,
    I still access the game and I can open it anytime but only on my old phone, and if I signed out or lost the phone I'll never open the game again.

    1: I know everything that I have in my account of items like guns, knifes, bodies, EC items and hats, etcc..,
    2: I still access my Facebook account which I created the ERA account in
    3: I still access ERA acc in my old phone
    4: I still have my forums account
    5: also I was a Graphic Designer and I've made a lot of heads/bodies for my friends and I have many witnesses friends to prove that am the only owner of this account
    6: I still access my site for graphic designs

    Please help me because I really don't know what to do to recover it, it's not my first time to post a recovery request and get nothing, and here's my last request about that I hope I get help from high admin.
    I think I need an exceptional decision to help me and transfer my account to another email, thanks.

    @Khaled @Junz
    Last edited by bondo2; 09-22-2023 at 06:39 PM.

    My website:
    My Graphic section: Bondo2's Graphics
    My instgram: Medhat Bondok

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  2. #2
    Big Cheese Kriole's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    United States
    Hi this is Kriole, and i am bumping this thread because i am in a similar situation.

    I started this game when i was 12…in 2012 on my ipod touch after searching the app store for “Online Gta” since i wasn’t able to get it it on console. Now i am 23.. My problem is i had made a mistake signing up for GraalEra with my school email. But when i graduated i didnt know it would get deleted. I completely lost my account. The only thing close to this is my Era-Go forum account.

    I still remember some of the permanent items i have for my account
    I still remember my old email address
    I still have my forums account
    I still remember my GraalID by heart.
    I have my own website where i uploaded bodies @

    i remember i had told Snk about the problem i had and he said he was gonna be able to switch it for me but only after when my email got deleted. Now that he isn’t the manager anymore and he’s gone, it can’t happen anymore… Who can help?

    "Everyone's a Falcon"
    In Game Name: ItsKriole
    Since 2012

  3. #3
    Graphic Designer Picciotti bondo2's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    onto ground
    Quote Originally Posted by Kriole View Post
    Hi this is Kriole, and i am bumping this thread because i am in a similar situation.

    I started this game when i was 12…in 2012 on my ipod touch after searching the app store for “Online Gta” since i wasn’t able to get it it on console. Now i am 23.. My problem is i had made a mistake signing up for GraalEra with my school email. But when i graduated i didnt know it would get deleted. I completely lost my account. The only thing close to this is my Era-Go forum account.

    I still remember some of the permanent items i have for my account
    I still remember my old email address
    I still have my forums account
    I still remember my GraalID by heart.
    I have my own website where i uploaded bodies @

    i remember i had told Snk about the problem i had and he said he was gonna be able to switch it for me but only after when my email got deleted. Now that he isn’t the manager anymore and he’s gone, it can’t happen anymore… Who can help?
    I hope we get help from high admin to solve our problems.

    My website:
    My Graphic section: Bondo2's Graphics
    My instgram: Medhat Bondok

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Puerto Rico
    I played this game sence 2010 and have fotos of proof on my facebook page . I want to get my old account back cuz the email was a rocketmail “yahoo” and it dosent let me enter any more, i had this issue for a while and would like to know how to get an account transfer , i miss using my guns and collectables.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hi , i am juan or XxjuanxX911, i lost my account and if you get your old account plz let me know , i want to get my old account back like the good old days before they closed it on facebook .

  5. #5
    Not to burst anyone's hopes but if you had lost your account before the email identification process was released then I think it's either deleted or lost forever. However, if you managed to get it identified with an email address (a Facebook account does not count, the identification is done inside the game) then you might have a chance of getting your account back if you provide proper proof (I don't think witnesses count). If my memory is clear enough and the methods haven't changed, you need to send a support ticket with all the information needed to save time. Now there is a possibility that they might have deleted accounts that were inactive for a few years, but my memory is blurry on the matter.
    J-sdfohjsdofjsodjf O-sdfjsdlfhlsdhf E-abfbabf Y-dkfbajdhf. That's what my signature would look like if it was in handwriting

  6. #6
    Graphic Designer Picciotti bondo2's Avatar
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    onto ground
    I found this info in my facebook which prove that I create my Era account on facebook (in 2013), and I took a screen shot to show it here I hope it help
    Last edited by bondo2; 12-11-2023 at 09:12 PM.

    My website:
    My Graphic section: Bondo2's Graphics
    My instgram: Medhat Bondok

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  7. #7
    Graphic Designer Picciotti bondo2's Avatar
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    onto ground
    Anyone gonna help me plz?

    My website:
    My Graphic section: Bondo2's Graphics
    My instgram: Medhat Bondok

    Need Help? Ask me your question in game

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