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Thread: Car Speed/vehicle shooting

  1. #1

    Car Speed/vehicle shooting

    Im not sure about everyone here and I am not sure if this is a good idea or not but I find it kind of dumb that my Lamborghini is the same speed as all of the other cars ;/

    next idea

    Wouldn't this be a wonderful idea if we could shoot stuff out of our cars or motorcycles (make motorcycles cx)
    maybe make bullets 1 dmg but sometimes i just wanna u know be like get out of my way! Because the horn does not work

    next idea

    Gang cars! all of gang members and allies get in car and you drive to base lol that is the worst idea I have came up with but please talk about this

  2. #2
    Big Cheese 3.X's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    This has been asked before hand, its not a terrible idea but ethier way its kinda useless
    Live your life, enjoy it while it lasts. Don't give it up when you are down, you are a light like the stars in a sky.

  3. #3
    please explain how any of this is useless, the gang car is a little useless but hey if it prevents slackers then I think its a wonderful idea

  4. #4
    Doesn' really matter how fast car goes cause people are always gonna block u.

  5. #5
    that is not the point a cars speed would still help and be important anyways not everyone blocks cars I almost never see anyont block cars anymore maybe you do but any good Samaritan would never block a car just to be mean

  6. #6
    Theres not really a side walk or anything cause all the lights block it and the only way to get around places is the road but theres only 2 spots for cars. then theres the wreckless drivers who just crash in to people for the fun of it.

  7. #7
    no driver knocks into people for fun

  8. #8
    Really look at the bridge i see these nubs who try to crash in to someone to try to get kill.

  9. #9
    please send a snapshot because nobody knows what your talking about

  10. #10
    How bout get off this website and look.

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