My activity on era has gone up since my hockey season ended, and I figured I'd pop back up here on era-go.

I got a shipka, as well, so, screw my old M16, and I've joined the gang owned by Shiz and Majestic Godsu "Godelic".

I've also started sparring, (and gotten my butt handed too me each time I try) but people have started giving me tips and I'm slowky getting better. Honestly, I thought I'd get picked on every time I lose a Spar, since I'm a total noob to all that, but so far I've met some awesome guys ( Slinky Damen (Navy), Junior (Obsidian), Justin (Godspy) and more.

The only other notable thing I should mention is that I figured out Duke was banned...we used to talk a lot, that sucks.