VeriApplez Gani Story
I encourage all the ganiers never to give up on what they do , and that is help out servers with ganis. Here is my story.
It was me , little Ver. I use to GFX but then I gave up on it because I didnt succeed in it . So then one day I decided to
try graalshop and I learned how to gani on my own and it was cool. My whole story will be overwhelming.. I started off in
Delteria as a Gani Artist on October 2012. I wanted to be the best ganier I can be to help out Delteria so I did and I learned
new techniques working for Delteria and the amazing people helping me. After a few months of working on Delteria ; MysticalDragon(MD)
skyped me one day asking if I could help out iZone because during that time they only had 1 ganier and he was inactive .
I accepted MysticalDragons offer and was hired on iZone on March 2013 and I worked hard for both server I had to manage my time
. It was easy because Delteria didn't have much work at that time period and iZone had lots of work to be done because they were
behind. After a few months of helping out them and Delteria I was promoted Gani Admin on iZone and Delteria around April 2013 and we need
ganiers really badly so I set up a application on Graalians and got some request. This is when I felt like I could keep helping the
Graal community to have more income of ganiers and help anyone who had questions about ganis because I was confident and felt like
I was helping them to do the same as I did when I first started. After a few weeks I got a Facebook message from a "girl" yes a girl. Her name was Jessie, not jsi. She wanted to know how to
gani, she didn't even know HOW TO gani . So I was interested in teaching her(this was my first time teaching someone) so
I taught her the basics of GraalShop and she sent me a few ganis she made I helped her and gave her feedback. Later on I hired her
to iZone when she was still not to sure how to use GraalShop but I still worked with her and worked with her and after a while her ganiers
are server worthy. Next is Delteria I came out with the Delteria application around the same day of iZones, there weren't many people who caught
my attention on Delterias but I did hire a few and they did need work so I did the same with iZone . When I was FIRST FIRST hired on iZone I logged RC I was asked by
the old Manager to do a gani , I did it right away without complaining or etc. Delteria Ganis were focused on Baddies and Taunts and iZone was focused on Guns and Melees
. Guns always interested me so I worked harder and harder to get my gun ganis better even my reloads I never was lazy on anything I always wanted to make it look PERFECT.
A few months later I went into contact with the Gani Admin on iEra , Ace Ciporini (Ace). I emailed him all my ganis and waited a few days for a response and he said he would
like to have me on iEra Dev to test me out more and get to know me better. So I decided to do that and did a few assingments and there were still Gani Trainers there that have been there for
1 month or longer and I got transfered into iEra Main Server within the 1st week because I didnt give up on my ganis or take breaks or make them lazy I always got better. While on iEra Dev
I meet Doodleman he stoodout to me. Doodleman was always mature, nice. His ganis were phenomenal good so I decided to talk to him and see if he would like to be hired on iZone
and he accpected it. Doodleman was always on the ball. So was Jessie. They both inspired me lot. Jessie always followed my footsteps because I taught her in the beginning and she respected what I did for her.
While on iEra I got incredibly good at guns and melees. So that is when I made my iEra gani Guide I felt that I could help out the community more by expressing who I am and not much people know what gani is.
My whole experience with ganis is been really good and creative . I never gave up on what I did the most , and that was helping out the servers with Ganis . One day you will look back and say "I helped out that server"
and you will feel dedicated! Never give up and keep improving!

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