We all know what a great pixel artist ShizGodsu is, but, sadly, the 200k PK Mask is very misplaced. The hat really looks good when it's in the template, as I saw in ShizGodsu's GFX thread, but when I saw my friend wearing it in-game, I noticed how the red glass which is supposed to cover the eyes is misplaced and way high, and how the part that should protect the person from gas and cover his/her mouth, is way too low and covers, somehow, the torso, instead.

Do not misinterpret what I'm saying; I'm nowhere near as good as ShizGodsu in pixel art, so I'm not really saying I can do better graphics than him; his 500k PK hat is hella good and many people, even the ones without 500k PKs, enjoyed seeing it added to era.

I would try to make a new hat myself, but I'm sure ShizGodsu would do a way better job, and I truely hope he does try to make a new hat/fix the current one.

If you haven't seen how the hat looks like on actual heads, ask anyone in-game with 200k+ kills to show you. (Woe, Gunner, Criz, King Casper, Jair, etc.)

Thanks for reading.