For a new event,there should be an old abandoned mine the players are taken to. In this event,you go around with a flashlight in this dark mine. So dark you can't see ANYTHING but a few spaces in front of you. You go around looking for the other players. If somebodies flashlight shines on you,you're out. Whoevers the last one standing wins.
What about if people AFK in a hiding spot with their flashlight off? Ghosts are more likely to grab players standing than moving. Like Pac-man ghost,they know where you are. I'm sorry but I didn't mention ghosts? Oops,well yeah. In this mine there are a few ghosts floating around. Get caught by one,you're out. You can always get past them by shining your light in their eyes,but they'll just respawn invincible for a good 10 seconds so run! And you can tell if they're invicible if they have a halo on top of their head.

Like the idea/dislike it? Let me know why in the comments. And as always,thanks for reading.

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