Quote Originally Posted by Lord Greg View Post
Nerfing will not help. All the guns are unbalanced because the system is flawed. I have said it many times and I shall say it again, change the health system to allow the guns to be balanced and fixed in a way that allows versatility and a real distinction between different types of guns.
This is actually a better idea than getting rid of mini, thank you for bringing this up. The real problem is not the mini gun or it's user's, but the fact that the admins have been sloppy in balancing guns, their prices, and their kill and spar efficiency. Really the admins added mini and it threw off the balance of guns, then they thought nerfing BAR would help restore balance, but it just threw it off even farther. If they would actually take time to sit down and consider guns, their prices and their firepower, the system could easily be fixed.

I'm not trying to rip on the admins with this, but it really is true, I know they work really hard, but they need to think about guns in the long run and calculate their effect on Era rather than adding guns like mini out of nowhere.