I was thinking about this for a good time and decided to post my thoughts.

So far most of the top tier guns are Auction only: Souzien, BAG, Rafficas,etc. The reason they are the best is they have very low freeze, 9 Damage in perfect shape, and the rate of fire is pretty astonishing. Also the fact that people are getting these guns for under 100K gralats is pretty cheap.

My alternative to these auction only guns is not to make them available to the public, but rather make different guns with exact same stats and a differnent name/skin that cost alot more in shops.This would allow the guns to stay auction only and "rare". This way people who won them won't complain, but other players have a chance to get guns of the same tier. To keep it fair the guns in shops should cost around 2x as much gralats so that there is still a reason to do auctions. Basically auctions won't be producing OP guns anymore, instead it will just allow the same gun with a different name and skin for a much cheaper price.

Any thoughts?

Btw credit to Ventus for bringing this to attention.