Quote Originally Posted by Tempestttttt View Post
Ok, everyone, I have came up with a few ideas.
1. You know how gangs get on a leaderboard for most amount of bases and how well you do in spar every 2 weeks? Well now I think Trade should be added onto leaderboard, this leaderboard will be for gang worth. I'm not 100% sure how this would be implemented because supers do not have an exact price but we could make it an approximate on how much they are worth. Or you could make it so it adds how much the item was bought by the player in the auction. (i.e. bought for 200,000 gralats, that adds that amount to the trade or just the approximate of it.) Or the admins could add the least amount of shells you could possibly get so it isn't over, admins will decide prices of the items and make it compute onto the leaderboards. We could possibly start making it so admins choose how much each item is worth anyways and make players start trading in their idea. So the least and most umbrella should be sold for. Basically end deflation in era, and keep prices constant but you don't have to pay that amount if your giving it to your friend. Must be on your friends list to give for free. Or maybe im going to far with that idea, but would be nice if you didn't spend 12 hours to get one trade if not longer, if its a set price you wont be sitting there for long. Make sure when you make a set price it is between two numbers, (ie 20-21k shells) make it really close together.
Ehh, it sounds like a waste of time to script a system like this.

You're suggesting that we have a board for the top "Trading Gangs", to build reputation and advertise it by their placement on a leaderboard.
For example, if I see "Era Traders United" as #1 spot on the Trading leaderboard, I would assume that they're a reputable vendor.
I think that's what you're trying to say here.

I just don't see the point in it.
You don't need a leaderboard to build reputation in a community-- especially a small community like those who regularly trade.
People who get ripped off are very quick to notify their peers, and word spreads like wildfire in such a small society.

Additionally, you can't really have a "suggested price range" in a free-trading community.
This is especially true when you're talking about "supers". The price doesn't remain constant.
How much they initially purchased it for is irrelevant.
That's why they're called supers; the term translates to "super rare", which was coined because of their scarcity.
The longer an item remains scarce and unique, the higher the value goes.

Those prices are subject to change by the day, and we would spend more time updating the price than it's worth.
Besides, players already have a general idea of how much something is worth-- especially if they're active in the trading community.
Those who don't know the prices are expected to get ripped off. That's a trader's bread and butter.

I doubt the "trading community" would want this implemented, because their whole "art" revolves around deception and haggling.
The buyer is seeking an item for the lowest cost, and the seller is trying to sell the item for the highest profit.
They go back and forth until they either come to an agreement, or cancel the trade all together.

Your idea to define the prices of these items and "end deflation", while it sounds respectable, would take the savvy out of the trading experience.

And just because an item's "approximate value" is listed, doesn't mean people will follow it.
If they have a rare item, and want to sell it, chances are that they'll ignore the "approximate value" and put it up for whatever price they want.
If the item is rare enough, they'll find somebody to buy it regardless of what price they set.
That's what trading is all about.

Quote Originally Posted by Tempestttttt View Post
2. Change Graal so that you get money just for being online, kind of like a bond. You put in 20,000 gralats, and just for being online every day you get 5% back or maybe 1% back every day. Make a cap on how much percent you get back. Do this with EC too with a totally different percent, make it so you get the EC every 4 months for amount of EC put in. Maybe 6 months.
No, I don't think people should get money just for being online.
AFKing isn't a task that warrants a reward.
That's a slap in the face to everybody who works for their money.

Plus, Graal would lose profits.
Why would somebody want to work or pay for their gralats, if they can get it while they sleep?