So when I log in to era I started to streak and after a while a broadcast message has been made by Into saying the events are over.Then I go in to a train station so I can't be killed.Then I pmed Integration saying wanna base? Then I pmed Elk if he rlly is selling the Lamborghini.After I pm them I continue to streaking but I can't get out of the train station and I saw at the right bottom of my screen failed.I try and try again but I can't get out.So I said unstick me but now I can't get out of the East Hospital.And all the players in there can't get out also and the "failed" is still in the right bottom of my screen.After a few seconds we can now get out but when we got out the failed is still there so I decided to relog but when I log in my screen is black.On and btw I am not lagging.Screenshot_2015-04-10-10-22-34.png