This thread was mentioned badly in 2013 so I'm here about to talk about a slightly different idea with the books:

Reading is a pretty interesting thing for many players in graal, some might say the opposite but there is a huge amount of players that adore literature specially creative ones, staff concentrated on era with the killing from a side, then with the furniture and looks on another and jobs on another, and they made a small improvement on the literature with the newspaper, yet to go to the top of the charts era is missing player written books, books that are made as tutorials, stories, facts, even maybe maps let's get creative, on the last thread that had been published in 2013 they didn't know a valid way to publish the books as players can write whatever they want and just spam the system, but with the new newspaper system it's now much easier. Players can post their book on era-go on a new section called "Story Submissions". The era newspaper staff doesn't have to do anything with the stories because they are already into their own newspapers. Instead a new team of players "Era Publishers Team" steps in and takes control over the situation, they read the content of the submitted story if they are pleased with the story they fix the grammar and the form of the book and then publish the book into the library.

The library can be located anywhere in the map maybe in the mall *hint*hint*
The player gets a reward depending how good the story is (judged by the staff).
The Story must be way bigger than the newspaper stories, and the price of the book gets higher if the book is bigger
Ex: book is made of 1000 words 5$ (10 words each line)
Book is made of 2000 words 10$
But you're asking "why would there be books/reading/education in a game? Games are for entertainment only.

Well here is where you're wrong, let me give you a small sketch:

Joey:" I am lovely mother, I am getting my ideas from Graal online era (boy turns to camera while smiling and holding his device) with the new library in era I can read as many books as I want and get new words and ideas, I can even copy those stories for a 10/10 on my essay. Can you give me one minute dear mother? I'm reading a lovely story, it might be your bedtime story *winks*.

Mom: As long as it's for your education son (looks at camera and smiles) read as much as you want!


Thank you for reading if you have any cons please state them and I'll try to persuade you that your argument isn't valid.