Hope you all are going to like my idea's! (From a Seventeen year old...)

I've been playing era for 3 months and I always wondered why you people won't bring back the instruments back. That's all.

I always tried to click the little black screen where both players are currently sparring. I click their names/faces on it, it doesn't show their profile neither their avatars during a spar. How come? Is there a problem why they can't pretty much do anything about it?

DISABLE THESE SHORTCUTS (IPAD,IPHONES ETC)! (People are using it to curse. Children are playing too, you know that right?)

Here's some more idea's from me (FOR LAZY READERS.)

Gun trading.
Keeping a friend who they like the most in a separate place rather than on a friend's list.
School Building.
Castle (Hidden items such as a blade/specialGun)
A very Kawai restaurant.
Twitter building. (A copy of Facebook building.)
Native store shop. (Native clothes, Hats, Native bows, melees etc)
A Chinese restaurant.
Haunted house.
Marine Bootcamp.
A park full of flowers (For flower pickers. KILLFREE zone.)
Abandoned car infested highway. (Kill Zone. Where pkers and other pkers can freely pk)
Winter island. (Well... we need one.)
More mini-games (Arcade. Mario. Make it extra hack-free game. Cuz I've seen people trying to hack the arcade games these days.)
Art house. (Players can make art and an admin (Art Team! heyoo!) will choose what's good or bad (EC'S involved!) )
More guns.
More islands!
More... freakin' colors for goodness sake.

Welp. That is all I can think of for today! I really like era. Thanks to Stephane or Snk for trying their best to make their cool addicted game become more addicting... with my ideas.

My Email : [email protected]