So there was a very vulgar fight earlier in start and I happened to witness it. And when U say vulgar, I mean "VULGAR". I decided instead of being a bypasser, I would do my part and report all of them.

I went to each of the people's character cards and reported them all for Harrasment to other players. I thought that this would help the PRs become aware of what's going on when they aren't off doing events or abusing their powers, what do I know. 10 minutes went by and nothing happened. I reported all of them again.
Another 10 minutes went by. Still nothing. So I decided to search up for any online PRs. There were 2 on.

iTine and Reno.

I thought," Hey, these are decent PRs." So I pmed each of them.

First I went with iTine.

I pmed her about the situation, but guess what? No reply. I tried once again. Waited 3 minutes. No reply. Typical. I guess she was too busy modifying her alignment and her online time. Pretty important I guess.

I decided to give up on iTine and move on to Reno. I pmed Reno the same stuff I pmed iTine, but guess what?

I was so mad, I made a meme.

Honestly, how much criticism will it take for the PR team to straighten up? Honestly, where I work, if you ignored anyone like these two, you would be put up for replacement. And that's just for ignoring someone. Straighten yourself out, do something productive. I mean, I would get it if he had the work tag on or he said he was working in his player card, but "The messaged player logged out?" Come on, be like Star or Drizzle and