Heyy it's Jupiter. Na, this isn't a highschool update, even though LOTS of crap happened which was horrible smh.
Actually you know what I just need to rant.
Peer pressuring is not okay. I was recently peer pressured Irl to do stuff I didn't want to do with my BF (o ya we got back together lol) andddddd I said no several fricken times but he's like oh it's a trust test or awww that isn't fair.
WHEN SOMEONE SAYS NO YOU RESPECT THAT JESUS CHRIST OKAY????!!! If she/he says no , say okay I understand I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable . And move on.
I lost my viriginity y'all. I'm 14. That is not okay. I don't know why at the moment I thought it was fine, no it wasn't. Because a few days later where was he? Gone.
I'm now realizing all the messed up stuff he did and how he treated me very badly.
Girls and guys, don't give your viriginity up at
1) such an early age
2) to someone you're new to meeting
3) someone you aren't 100% confident with
Etc etc
It is something I do not regret, but just something I wish I would've put off on.
Please remember that you can always walk away from these types of situations. Please know that. Not just to girls but to guys too.
Sorry if this was very open I guess, but I don't mind sharing with the Graal community, I don't kind judgement hate etc from here.
Best regards,