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If you know who I am in game, I want you to give me all your best criticism.
As 2015 comes to a end, I want to change for the best of it and me doing this can help me for my future(some how).
It might sound stupid and dumb to most of you guys, but little stuff like this is important to me because maybe
it's reflecting into my own personal life and I don't see it. this year becoming a staff changed how I think
and changed how I act. I want to fully apologize about my actions and I hope you understand it won't happen again.
The person I turn into this year isn't the person I want to become in the future, I'm not the type of person who likes to rage or start fights.
I'm mostly the silent type who doesn't like to speak at all.

So if you wish to post, please be honest and don't hide how you feel about me or how I made you feel, I want to know.