Not sure if this has been mentioned in the past or not, but an idea that I'm sure many people would like to see is a chatbox on the main page ( so that registered users can communicate to each other or communicate an idea without the need to create a thread or to use a PM. I'm not sure if there's a reason this isn't a feature yet, but it would be something that people on here would probably like to see.

Ideas for features:
- Mods could have the ability to remove/edit messages (in-case someone abused it).
- There could also be a notification noise available as a toggle.
- It should have the ability to refresh and receive new messages without refreshing the page too.

For example, on a forum I used to use, they had a chat-box on the front page of the forums that only registered users could view and type in.
It looked like this:

So ... thoughts?