Hey there.

So I don't have much to say other than the fact that Michael really wanted me to join this blog or whatever it is. On this site, he's known for his real name, Mikey Zanereth. Allow me to introduce myself

I am Michael's girlfriend, Rikki Gladwyn, no it's not short for anything, my actual name is Rikki, according to my birth certificate. So I guess I should explain why I made an account. I've seen Michael on this site on a daily basis, and he always talks about the people on here, and how they are extremely nice. A while ago, actually just now, Michael proposed to me that I should make an account and see for myself. So I did, mostly because I feel like I was nagging him too much to help me cure my boredom. Now I'll have to wait and see if what Michael said is true.

I hope we can all become good friends and maybe chat a while. I'll be setting up my account in the meantime. So this is my official hello to all of you !