Minuscule Moon

Log: 2
Date: March 23, 2016

As shameful it can sound, Kamiroo has become one of them. It's been a full moon when the incident happening. If it wasn't for his weeping, he wouldn't have joined the dark side of the moon.

Looking up at the starry sky, I noticed the full moon that has been given to us by the great gods up above that looks down to us. With a grin, I whispered to it, "Oh great Worm Moon, what do you give us today? Please don't give chaos like Snow Moon." All of a sudden, I started to hear a rustle of leaves behind my back, I looked back and let my flashlight shine the circumference that can only be in sight. Darkness in the exterior, light in the interior of the dark thump that laid behind the bush. "Come out!" I demanded to thin air. No response. I walked towards it, feeling the cool air blow my skin away. Out of the blue, a figure popped out, knocking me to the ground with a huge impact on my head.

A bright light awaken my deep sleep I have encountered. A faint voice came to my ears, "Are you okay? Hello? Leader! Talk to me!" I looked around me to know where I am. A yellow base room came to meet my eyes, with no furniture, frankly. I then saw the girl that made my heart bliss to its fullest. "If it isn't Tricky." I whispered, "How the hell did I come here?" She smiled, acknowledging my presence in this world. "Oh joy. You're alive. I thought you died." Sarcasm. The thing that I most needed, great. "I was trying to scare you out in the forest, but I guess I got too carried away and made you poop your pants." she replied with a laughter after. Oh, the beauty... If I only can trade my soul to be with her, I would do it. No matter what, I kept Tricky close to me. She is my partners-in-crime, of course, but she doesn't know how I feel for her.

"Did you hear about Kami?" I asked her. With a blow of the smile I have just witnessed, it has disappeared. Looking down, she replied, "Yes. Frankly, it's a shame that he became one of them in the ritual." Still laying down in bed, I grabbed her hand, that was cold as ice, and told her, "It'll be fine. We just need to look for the rest of the team, before they become one and whole of Luna's experiment." She nodded and looked straight to my eyes. Leaning towards me, my heart started to pound faster than a car engine. Blushing, I said, "You shouldn't really get that close, nerd." She smirked and went back to her sitting position.

A knock came pounding on the door with a deep voice, masculine, exclaiming, "Whoever is in there, open up!" Tricky and I held hands, the last touch that we might have together. It spoke again with a voice that can shake a man's feet off the ground, "Open up! Before I break it down!" Tricky stood up, but I pulled her to me. Falling on me, the flower has then spouted. Feeling my face turning to a microwave, I threw Tricky off me and looked away from her and from the door. The unknown outside knocked down the door and barged in with 2 other men that wore purple-black masks. "Tricky and Kendrick, come with us. The ritual must start soon." It was Kamiroo who spoke. Different voice, different man who he used to be, I was astonished of what Luna has done. He then said, "You're not safe anymore. It is over."