Why is it that Ol' West has beautiful visuals, yet they essentially have an average of 300 players online at any given moment. Era, on the other hand, has mediocre graphs - better that classic and zone - but we have thousands of players online at any given moment. I feel as if there is something missing. Sometimes, I want to associate myself more with West than Era simply because of the graphics. This is odd, and I cannot fully explain it, but I really think West has like 3x better graphics than era. I am not shooting Era in the foot here, but I am just saying that West is simply incredible. Not only this, but they seem to have more active admins, interesting quests, enjoyable events, a gang point system, BIRTHDAY HATS (my favorites), etc.

If anything, birthday hats should come back. B-day hats had something special within them. But, I feel as if Era should go down for a month or two and get all the developers upgrading our graphics. Hell, maybe they should create an entire new map. Just get rid of the old. I say this because, being a 2012 player, it has grown repetitive. I know this is unrealistic and I will get unnecessary hate because I fluster people, but I think this would be a needed step into the future.