Hey guys, my name is DarkKnight, and I've been a level artist working with the Era tileset since around 2010. I'm starting a thread to show you my levels as well as provide some tips for beginners.

My first level I'll share is the most recent one I've made, a small radio station for Era's outbreak event, which is a zombie event.

My biggest advice to aspiring level artists is to keep levels simple. The biggest problem that plagues iEra and new level artists are massive, complex levels with multiple tile styles that just doesn't fit the Era theme. Keep the level geometry pretty linear, however deviation from linear geometry (stuff like square levels) is fine as long as the general shape of the level is relatively linear.

Also, experiment with using lights. Lights can make a huge difference in your level for the better if used properly. I used a custom level darkness that made the level relatively darker as well as a few wall lights, as well as floor strobe lights.

I will try and keep this thread updated. Best of luck to new developers, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
