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Thread: New upcoming Gang~ Merryweather security2 .

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    Exclamation New upcoming Gang~ Merryweather security2 .

    Table of Contents
    What set us apart ........2
    Merryweather security2 Goal ..........3
    Are there any benefit? ........4
    Closing soon to come...........5

    This is not like any other gang you see in era. It’s a bit different.
    Let me tell you something about basing. I’ve been a baser for at least 1Year+ strong, and the whole basing state is rigged.
    There is no slight chance for other gang to start up with other big gang helping one another when they lose base to a so call a new starting up gang.
    Yes, you can label yourself as a NO Quit, but that whole state of mind is Complete BS in order for you to do that you need to dedicate so many hours just to squeeze a couple of min of basing till another big gang come and interfere and take base from you and you’re starting gang.
    At this point you’re losing member, stress is piling up and you realize it’s not worth it when the whole basing community is rigged. Boom and that fast your gang is dead, and you found yourself in a pickle as another dead gang in the eye of era. RIP
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    What set us apart.
    Okay so this is what set us apart from other gang as well as big one.
    All gang out there want an easy short cut to gang reward but quite frankly they are not doing their homework on how to get there. Meaning they are not trying every available option they have. But just have this state of mind where they accept their fate to their slow ride to gang reward. This can take up to months or year depending on what gang reward they are after. For example, Ifreeze, I say they at least dedicated year and year of their time to get where they are at now. I’m not bashing on them, but I’m sure they stop basing for many reason, and one of the main reason is life. We all got a life apart from era we all do. So dedicating more year to just to get the new gang reward is crucial and quite frankly I don’t think they want to invest another 2 year or even another year. In their eye that many years are not worth the gang reward and many agree apart from the ifreeze member. I also heard this was a problem in yogy eye.
    Well you guys get a visual idea what I’m talking about, I’ve been there done that I’m sure lots of you guys been in the same situation.
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    Okay so that gang name is called Merryweather Security2. The gang name is a decedent from the gang name Merryweather Security. Are they connect who know. -\_(ツ)_/¯
    Merryweather security2 Goal.
    Our goal is to gather 15 chemical players. Yea I said 15. Whoa. For the time being I’m not recruiting anyone so don’t bother looking in the gang as well asking who are the chemical player. All chem player name are confidential till we hit 15. The whole Concept at first was to gather 15 chem player. so player that don’t have a chem can’t join, but from a popular request of many players that don’t have a chem I have now decided none chem player can now join. In my 2 day journey in search of chem player I contacted many and you be surprise how many jump on board once I told them the full benefit. Out of my 15 chem player I now have 8 in my 2 day search of chemical player. Even player that stop playing for month jump on board frankly I was very surprised. We are in no rush to start up the gang because for the simple fact this type of stuff take time, you don’t get 15 chem player to jump on board in one night.
    Why I need so many chemical members in one gang? Well that confidential, but I’m sure many of you guys know why or have an idea why. Many players ask what base will you take frankly that confidential as well. Oh wow game over you leave us wondering now haha yes I’m very sorry. While other gang are in the slow train to gang reward we take be taking the fast train. I keep all record of all chemical player name and the gang they usually in, as well as none chem player. My stats of my 2-day journey look decent. Our stats are 8 chem member and 12* none chem baser willing to join. I’m still not including those who will help. The gang will start off with no peace. Yes no peace. But gameover you’re gang will be dead in just a few days, don’t worry guy that why we building a big enough armada to handle whatever come our way. I miss the old way of basing.

    Are there any benefit?
    Yes, there are endless of benefit when you join Merryweather Security.
    List of benefit.
    Flexible schedule~ When you join Merryweather Security each, and every single member will have their free time to do whatever they desire if it’s either complex, mpx, working or just simply need a break from basing its A okay with us. One must inform A Higher Rank first. This gang is perfect to those who are trying to get 20k sparing hat or 500 wins mpx hat or whichever goal you’re after, but In the same time want to join a basing gang. Search no more this gang is for you.
    Minimum stress~ When you Join Merryweather Security our team will work on different strategies to minimize stress related issue if it’s either game related or none game related, we got you we are a family 
    Gang reward~ Okay so the whole concept of Merryweather Security is to reach gang reward as fast as we can. For example, Arcane might hit 1k in 2-3 Month which is insane that not acceptable here. We looking forward to hit 1k in just under a month more specifily in 2-3 week. That will be A era record.
    get recognition~ I can’t stress enough on how many gang out there don’t give recognition to their loyal baser as well as the one who’ve been working harder than the other. Here in Merryweather Security will give recognition to those who work harder than other pretty much a concept of employee of the month, but more like baser of the month. You will get rewarder .
    Be part of Era History~ I can’t say much of this, because it’s confidential. Let’s just say we finna make a big scene.

    And many more just give me a couple of days to think of new one looool.

    The Closing soon to come. Did not have enough time to finish.
    Last edited by GAMEOVER805; 12-02-2016 at 03:01 AM.

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