Quote Originally Posted by imaginary View Post
M4 is garbage now comparing to the other guns
People who tell u to buy the M4 and they don't even use it tell them to go kill themselves
Yeah bar
Auction guns are even better
I am offended. I used the M4 to get my Vector it is not garbage whatsoever. You obviously don't know how to use it and rely on the cheap auction guns and the bar. Plus, I never see you sparring so how would you know if the M4 has the capability of beating cheap ec, and auction guns. Sorry but there are ion carbine sparrers that almost never beat me when I use the M4. You know why? Cause the M4 requires skill to use, hence why you would describe it as a garbage gun. Sorry but you're info is false and lacks evidence. Also I am very surprised that people would choose the bar in the poll. Only 2 people thought that the M4 is good? Wow you guys obviously do not spar. Sorry but haha there is no counter argument to this case closed but the M4. You won't regret it if you actually practice with it. People say when they first get it "I can't win with it so it sucks" which is true it can be hard to win with it when you first get it, but with practice, trust me you could be a beast on spar. Some M4 users are so good that they can beat any gun