i know it's hard to believe but iToxx is a changed man, he is no longer the former trash talker. now he is an ideal sparring player. he is respectful and skillfull. he is helping make the sparring community a better place.
it's great to be respectful as players can really harass through sparring after a loss. for example, i won a few games against some guy in MPX (wasn't boosting of course) and he sent me several PM's about how i 'eat' and should kill myself. so therefore, i beg that all players after seeing this thread change their attitude and try to have fun instead of getting mad. take iToxx as an example, or a model player, a once mean and nasty person but now a social, friendly sparrer and enjoy the game more.

Yes this thread was meant to be clickbait. thank you for viewing and please help spread the positivity that iToxx now does too.