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Thread: Yesterday's Tomorrow

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  1. #1
    Veteran Bacardi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Yesterday's Tomorrow

    Here's a short story on today's society aha enjoy!

    Era la Graale - 1850
    “And how is the machinery doing thus far?”

    “Top notch, your ladyship! Just a few more screws to tighten and she shall be ready for action.”

    I smiled proudly at the gleaming contraption before me: The Period Voyager 3000. This advanced scientific mechanism shall allow us to travel into the future, giving us a glimpse at the stage of development our kin has achieved. We can learn so much from the future generation; see the amazing technology evolution has to offer… Oh, the wonders!

    As a scientist, I hope to be able to analyze and learn from the prestigious first class nation of the future and hopefully am able to bring back practical knowledge which can bring about change in today’s society. How far will we reach as a community? To which extend will modern technology aid mankind? I wonder if-

    “Your ladyship, the Voyager is ready.”
    I nodded at my fellow apprentice. Now is the time. I packed my scrapbook and quill into a briefcase and downed the last few drops of my tea. I stepped into the chamber of the Period Voyager 3000. I heaved one sigh of anticipation and closed my eyes. Well, here goes nothing. For science!

    GraalOnline Era- Present

    “Where am I?”

    I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. The feathers on my hat were shivering slightly and my petticoat felt of a slight vibration. Distant sounds of gunshot were blaring from all around me. I opened my eyes and was immediately greeted with a magnificent fountain.

    “Ah,” I thought to myself. “This must be the Fountain of Beginnings!”

    I bit my lips slightly to stop myself from screaming enthusiastically, quite unladylike, if I may say so myself. There was so much to take in! The colorful people, the modernized vehicles, the guns! I took some time to jot all this down in my scrapbook. Everything looks so diverse. However, I did notice a common pattern in the people…

    “Excuse me young man, but what is that apparatus you’re holding?” I pointed at a random boy’s light emitting rectangle.

    “Oh, it’s the new iPhone 7”

    “I… phone? And what does this I-phoney do?”

    “Err, you can call with it? And send messages? And play games and… wait who are you?”

    “Exquisite!” I exclaimed. “ I am Lady Violette but nevermind me. So, are you telling me that modern day technology has reached a point whereby daily life tasks can be accomplished with your little rectangular I-phoney?”

    “Err… I guess?”
    The young man told me a little bit more about his I-phoney. I jot all this down in the scrapbook, being more impressed at every sentence after the last.

    “Tell me more, please. What are you doing now that every bit of the world’s information is in the palm of your hands?”

    “Oh I’m watching cat videos.”

    “You are watching pictures of felines playing with one another?”

    “yea lol isn’t it cute?”

    “lol. What is this ‘lol’?”

    “It’s… an expression. Look, lady, I gtg now bye”
    Lol? Gtg? What does this code say? Maybe it’s the language of the future. I wrote all that down nonetheless.

    I made my way down to this building called “Astros”. If memory serves me right, this must be where Era la Graale’s first church used to be. I remember it as a holy place, a place where worshipping sessions take place. I question what religion would look like today in this godly place “Astros".


    As I stepped through the glass-made doors I was immediately greeted with blinding lights and the pungent smell of alcohol lingering in the air. A number of black boxes where producing these monstrous sounds. I really hope this is not the music of today. Shirtless men with caps too big for their head were walking about the crowds of girls who were… How do I say this in a more civilised tone…? Very badly proportioned.

    A tall girl with long blonde hair spun around to look at me. She had very tan skin and wore a very inappropriately short white blouse and jeans with large holes in them. (“The future generation do not know how to sew” I wrote down in my scrapbook.) Her hips and bosoms were a living testimony that the laws of gravity are ultimately just cock and bull.

    “Say what ?” the girl replied.

    . “Side effects of modern technology: deafness” I wrote down.

    I could tell that I have slightly aggravated this lady. As cuss words started flying out of her mouth like the people of Era la Graale out of the country during the Classic-Era War of 1803.


    “cash you.. pardon?”

    she stalked off with her head held high.

    I sighed as I took down more notes on the scrapbook. An underwhelming disappointment, this Astros religion place.
    As I was about to exit the Astros church place, another one of those shirtless men approached me. He had a sly grin on his face foreboding bad news.

    “hey, wanna roleplay?”

    “roleplaying? That sounds like a merry and engaging activity!” I asked as I enthusiastically took out my scrapbook once again.

    “I see you’re into… History stuff ” He said, eyeing at my overall garment.

    “Ah yes I am in fact from the History itself and-”

    Era la Graale, 1850
    “Ah! Your ladyship! I see you have returned. How was your trip? Why do you look so-”

    Last edited by Kieran2820; 04-24-2017 at 08:07 PM. Reason: Keep it appropriate please.
    Current IGN:Edith Bacardi
    Current Gang:Bacardi
    I'll be there for youuu~ When the rain starts to fall...

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