Here's some fun little haikus about Era Today!

Build on two islands,
Never seen before pixels,
Bloodshed everywhere.

Walked down some green park,
Weird looking wizard approached,
'Your head ugly dumb'(Nice. True story)

Into some building,
Astros was the sign out front,
'Roleplay with me please'

Entered this foul place,
Something called blackholst zone.
Girl killed me and 'Flaw'

Pizza pizza peals!
Pizza pizza pizza peals!
For 40 gralats.(Or 10 tro each)

Into some big house,
Lag and lag and lag and lag.
Dear god what is this? (Event house)

Walking down the street,
Saw some very big gunfights.
'What is this?' 'F*** off' (Tattaglia war or something. Idk)

Do comment your views and opinions!