The same type of man who fears to wake up with a baby in his arms,
Is the same type of man who runs and hides in the face of harm,
The same type of man who hoops and hollers when his mother cries,
But never even once attempts be the man to go and change their lives.

Relying on circumstance and to benefit from misfortune,
Is just as wrong as selling your life for corporate endorsement,
Equally as unjust as selling your soul to a suited devil,
Almost as wrong as worshipping the men who laugh at those on your level.

So rather than duck and evade the responsibility,
Be the man who breaks this complex chain of insanity,
Be the man who nurtures and prospers all of his childrens,
Who stands tall and fights for not one, but hundreds of millions.

The mentality of dependence is honed deep within ourselves,
When you sell the idea that we only work well on the shelves.
You have to understand the weakness embedded within our hearts,
Before you can so much as attempt to break away from the start.

Develop and implement a future through meaningful action,
And only avoid the despair that comes with a fatal attraction.
The concept of constantly being held back, unable to succeed,
Is a false sense of mind that not even one of us needs.

I was going to do multiple poems but the house got loud and I can't think as clearly with noise @_@