As of now, I prefer non-automatic/semi-automatic guns, like the M4. I do have the BAR, and I actually
find it annoying how if you hold down the fire button for too long the gun will fire again (I like to fire only
when necessary, and auto guns sometimes seem to mess this up for me). See, I'd rather tap a bunch of
times as opposed to just holding down a button. I know that might sound strange to some, as holding down
a button would be easier, but hopefully someone understands me.

Anyway, my question here is: Are automatic guns better for sparring? What do I mean by this? Well,
are there any advantages to having an automatic gun? Such as tap firing (apparently automatic guns
can fire faster if you tap enough times instead of holding down the fire button)? Or does the automatic attribute
of a gun all come down to personal preference?

My main problem is that I would like to buy automatic guns such as the Sten because it has good stats, but I don't
see them as having an advantage over semi-automatic guns because to me it comes down to personal preference,
and this makes me NOT want to buy them.

So, what do you guys prefer: auto or semi-auto? Answer the poll above. I'm just curious to see how many
people prefer one over the other.