Heyho guys,

yes this is me (layerd) - no idea why but it appears my name was already taken on this forum o.O

Anyways, some of you may have heard already but the ex staff member Light has recently decided to scam me off a few ultras including Zombie Morph, Golden Umbrella, HW Dagger, Flamecrow Wings and Noob Trident.
I was dumb enough to trust a friend to hold some of my rares since I haven´t been to active.
Now he´s claiming he´s given them back already when I know from a few sources (including staff) that he still has a few of those items in his account and already sold my flamecrow wings.

Please be careful when trading with Light as he might try to scam you guys aswell.
I´m not aiming to force him to give my items back (which he cant even do as he already sold some) but to just give you guys a heads up that even ex staff / friends don´t always play the fair and nice game.

Take care guys!

-Lay the panda