I said this on another post, https://www.era-go.com/forum/showthr...039#post448039 , but I think the admins finally need to realize this. Because this is against the rules. Resetting wins doesn't do a damn thing. The thing that I think should be changed, is that if a sparrer boosts their wins, and gets rewards, then the REWARDS should be taken away. Because it's unfair that someone that boosted spar wins and got a gun that a lot of people earned legitimately. I used this person as an example MANY times. And apparently it isn't enough to get it into the admins skulls. Jay Cain. He got reset 2 TIMES. Actually no I think he got reset 3 TIMES for boosting. And you know what happened? He got reset. And you know what happened after that? He boosted AGAIN and got reset. People that boost don't deserve to have what others didn't boost for. It's completely unfair. If admins think this is a bad idea for whatever reason, then honestly you guys just aren't using logic. Why don't you look into this 15 year old, Jay Cain, and take away his guns once and for all. The reason I want him specifically to suffer consequences, is because he's always bragging and trash talking about his guns that he boosted for. It's completely annoying, and he really ruins the game experience for a lot of people based on his arrogance and immature personality. But this doesn't mean that other boosters shouldn't have their guns taken away. Just think about that for a second, admins. This can actually help.