Exotic Store 2018 is finally out thanks for the wait.

Took considerably longer as the items all have several brand new/ complicated scripts that Hoyt worked really hard on. The items probably wouldn't have so many unique features if it wasn't for his ability to actually make the ideas possible so you coin owners have him to thank.

Here is a video showcasing them https://youtu.be/reZYIP970Kk

As for the features of the item

Vampiric Staff
Main item- 9 damage gun
Bloodsword- 9 Damage melee, heals 20 hp on kills
Drain Bomb- AoE attack that can be fired over walls. Damages any enemy within it for 2hp a second and heals the Vampiric Staff owner that amount. Has a 3 second cooldown between each attack.
Blink Teleport- Almost instantly teleports your player 20 tiles. Cannot go through walls or players/ objects. Is single use with a 10 second cooldown inbetween.
Bloodshield- Reduces damage taken by 50% whilst activated. Cannot fire/ attack whilst it is active.

Darkmatter Cannon
Main item- 10 damage gun
Darkmatter Beam- Secondary mode, fires a continuous beam of energy at a length of 16 tiles dealing 1.5 damage. Damages all enemies it touches, and can go through players. Cannot go through walls, and you cannot change firing directions whilst being shot. Has recharging bullets however they don't recharge unless you stop firing.