
I have seen a few post and was nodding to a few posts as well - in requiring a forum moderator rather than staffs in-game.
However, I don't see many members from the forums that have the eligibility to become moderator, so at this moment, all I can say is that it's fine with in-game staffs being temporary moderators.

"What do you mean we aren't eligible? I am!"
No, no you are not. Heck, I am not even. Regardless of the years that I was active on this forum, I never became one because one good reason that I continue to lack: immaturity.

What I believe the solution is to restore this madness is help from you:
1. We need more members! We have so few and we keep losing a few from time on.
2. Y'all seriously need to more mature on this forum.

Most people crave the past for iEra or/and Era-Go, but we ought to live with it.
Before, we had arguments with a point and being mature about the situations, but now, we're blurting out non-sense without any given facts.
'snk is the rightful owner'
'trians is a scumbag for closing my thread!'
'unlinking is HW's fault'
'Chris Z stole my dang doughnut'

Come on y'all. What happened to the love we used to have before on here? (I blame all those darn troll accounts.)

How to make a valid argument:

It's not the staffs that worsen the game, it's the player.
Like memes or every other games,
it's quality at first until the fan base comes in breaking everything apart. That's what we're doing.

Please don't come in with:
'but kenny, u dun understand, trians is a-'
No no
'but kenny dont be ignorant my cat custom was-'
Hush Ali, nobody cares about your dead cats who you skin and then wear.

If you have an issue with anything relating to game, go with a staff, not with the players.
These ridiculous threads ought to stop.

Can we love again?
(Jose looks away from PC and says 'god that's cheesy as heck'.)

EDIT: If we fix this corrupted forum, and gain members, then I hope to see new mods on here and PRs can go back doing their job. (angry emoji here), because like every other member here, they signed up to be staffs in-game, not on here. Y'all don't know us m8