I don?t think any of you understand what sexual harassment is. I was not harassing her in any sexual way. Think of this in a real life situation. Would you press charges against someone for saying that? No, you wouldnt because they were not harassing you. Even if you did the court wouldnt even accept the case because its not harassment. To harass someone you would have to directly relate it to them. I never mentioned anything with her name in it.

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If staff only read one side of the PMS then your whole system is rigged and you need to fix it. Theres two sides to a story all the time. Basing your punishment off one is not the right thing to do.

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Quote Originally Posted by Ires View Post
I already read it.

Admins don't have supernatural powers to know what's going on inside that brain of yours, therefor if they saw you say that to a some girl they'll think you're trying to sexually harass her. And that girl maybe didn't like it and went to report. It happens when people report immediately without a warning.

Stuff members will get fired immediately if they are caught abusing their powers, so they have to use them correctly.

Also I would like to tell you that there are alot of stuff considered as sexual harassment, you may search them up on google.
An orgy is not directly sexual. It may just mean a party. I never said sex in the convo at all. Just orgy. Did i say staff were supernatural? Matter of fact I think half of them just live on the internet. They do not have to be supernatural to be able to see the word "sex" was never mentioned in the convo nor as anything directly sexual was said to her.

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Quote Originally Posted by TJ Canavi View Post
Staff members are allowed to use the report button if they are on their ios account. If the comment bothered her she had the right to do so just like any other player since that was sexual harassment even if it was a joke. Also about the report issue, The other player could have been warned for vulgarity. Vulgarity warns aren't instant jails until you have 3 or more while racism leads to an instant jail. Another factor could be that the PM of the racial comment was erased since only a certain amount of pms are logged before.
I never said it was a joke. i meant what i said lol..and already accomplished it to . Shout out to the Brits and Germans<3.
Also I never said she couldnt use the report button. I dont think you're grasping the concept of what i am trying to say here. I'm saying she abused her role as staff to get another staff to falsely jail me for something that was never directly related to her.