Every day the server goes worse and the worst is that the admins do not fix it or do nothing to reduce it, before, snk I think that he restarted the server every week now they do not do anything ... Too much work for the admins?

The server is reaching the limit or I'm going crazy…
-The screen freezes.
-The server falls.
-People eat bullets.
-Magically you teleport to the other side of the map.
-You lose events and still win the ec lol?
-Bullets appear behind you without a person.
-You take a long time to look at your list of friends-gangs and sometimes they never appear etc ...

The lag is affecting the experience of the players especially those who do base / events ... .. Someday the server will not hold.
My opinion: every day i am more disappointed with most of the admins (not with all).-.