I know that i have been suggesting taxes after taxes on the forums, and have drawn quite a significant amount of objections.

These ideas are not without evidence but that's not the point here. I'm not going to dwell on it here.

I would like to just talk briefly talk about my views after playing Era for nearly 6 years.

In this 6 years, I've made multiple attempts to contribute to the community, honestly (not just the tax ideas) and I know I won't be able to commit to an admin whatsoever position because I have school and was not a regular player eccept during holidays.

One of my biggest pursuit in this 6 years was founding the Era Cops Union Press. It's dead already, because I and the team are all too busy to sustain it.

I founded ECUP because of the passion for writing, I love it. I liked journalism, writing about things and making arguments. Prior to that i was writing in to Era Newspaper but the current newspaper lacked content and was not the kind of newspaper that I anticpated. I wanted change, like to change the way news was conveyed, to change the content. I know all was not within my means in the game, but outside it was.

So, with the valuable help of a few friends (Aligamer , Selth and many others), we wrote articles about the game and formatted it as nicely as we could even if we had no prior training. We came out with a few issues for several months when I used to be free and after I got to college it stopped.

I wanted to better engage the community through writing, through articles about the game and content that players would more enjoy reading.

Another reason for starting it was actually to pressure ERA Newspaper into competiting with us, so that they can Improve the quality of the newspaper. I acrually thought of wanting ECUP to be a catalyst for Era Newspaper's development.

After some time, nothing chamged for ENT, i dont know if its because they failed to notice a rising competitor, or they didn't get the message I was trying to send whilst improving content for the players through ECUP.

Clearly, I lacked resources , manpower and time. But I tried.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank all the readers of ECUP and those who made ECUP possible.

What about you guys? Feel free to share how some of your efforts contributing the game (it may not necessarily be in the administrative form, like me)

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