Helllllo again!
Im going to make a MT! (Mini Tutorial)
Ill make these for many things about Ganis (Images, Etc.)
Lets get started,
Lets say you're do a gun gani and on the 'shoot' you want to add a light effect when the player shoots. (Only because that's cool )
First you need to find a file in your Graal folder called 'light4.png' well I use this one, suits well,
Once you have done that, move it to the same folder that the gani is saved in, once you have completed that, add the 'light4.png' image to GraalShop.
Done? Cool!
Add 'light4.png' to the barrel of the gun when it shoots, after that save your gani.
Once you have one that, change your file extension from .gani to .txt
Then open up notepad and open your gani with the .txt extension, once you're done that you should see some words like SPRITES and some numbers?
Ok if you scroll down you will find:
At the bottom below all of these 3 I want you to type COLOREFFECT (Sprite Number) 0.6<---Color 0.2<---Color 0<---Color 0.8 <---Sets the transparency of
the image.
So if my sprite number was 23 id put this:
COLOREFFECT 23 0.6 0.2 0 0.8

Once you completed that, save it again through notepad, go back to the folder and change the extension back to .gani and you're free to upload the gani to a server and when he shoots it will have a muzzle flash

Hope I helped, enjoy!