Hi, I was bored and made a few backgrounds I hope get put into the game! Some of them arn't finished. I just thought I could show everyone what I made.
-I do not know the exact width and height the images are on the profiles-
This is something I call smoke and its not that great but I think it should be
put into the game.

Now this looks messy but I wanted to make it that way for a Play Doh! It
looks nice if you imagine it like that, stacking Play Doh on stop of eachother
into smaller patties of it looking like a yummy meal!


Its at the very top left corner and if you can't
see it then drag it to your desktop and zoom
in on paint. the reason why this isn't finished is becase
I want to see what other people think of it if I work to hard and it never gets
in the game. This is pixel sky, it will look very nice when finished all bright color
pixels spreading.


This is what I call new red, it doesn't look different as much from the ones already
in but I thought this would be an idea.


This is like a gold looking one, I like it because of the brightness and would look
good on someones profile.


Thanks guys leave some support at the bottom if they all look good so far!