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Thread: Be Safe With Your Accont! -REMAKE

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Be Safe With Your Accont! -REMAKE

    A lot of people have been having there accounts taken or stolen because they are new and
    don't know what scamming is, but I have made a remake of an old guide on how to make sure your account
    can be safe. If you are new to the game you are a noob, thats what players have classified
    people who are new to the game, its the same for a lot of other games.
    I have full pictures for the community and I hope this thread will be continued visted by new people and shared

    Thanks Nyx for saying that to the community, we all appreciate what the staff does for us and help. Say for instance if I was being hacked and someone kept trying to access my account, I could contact Viintex and he wold help me. He could do a few options, there would be an IP Address in the message. If you show proof that someone was logging in and give them the IP they will ban that IP from the servers. So if you have been Wallhacking on iEra or something related to that you will be jailed several times and maybe banned. I do not know how the progress works.
    photo 1 (3).jpg
    Can't read whats in the message, I'll explain but in a little bit different words.
    Remember to never give any of your information to anyone, if someone try's to get your information by asking you in game or on a website. You should not trust anyone who does this, if it ever happens you can read below what to do in case of what you do. Do not trust any other website than:,, and If you can't contact a staff member in game, tell them it in Letter To Staff. No one will hear what you say besides the staff.
    Thanks NYX! You may be old to graal, but to us your young.
    So, remember to not give anyone you email. Your email is important to your account, because if they get access to your account, all your items will probably be traded and given to that person on his/her regular account. Don't give a player your Graal ID either. Remember if this happened to you try to contact a staff member. You can also do a letter to the staff by clicking here and click on whats wrong.

    Now, lets get started by explaining what not to do in these types of situations
    -They Say They Are Staff
    -Asking For Your Graal ID
    -Asking For Your Email
    -Saying They Will Need All Your Information To Put Staff Powers On
    (All the pictures are acting, no one really actually asked me, this person did not try to scam me, we were acting)

    Ok, say if a guy walks up to me and asks me "Want to be a admin?". I get excited and he invites me to his house, then he asks me for my information.
    photo (1).jpg
    I tell him it and he tells me to log off for an hour, I listened to him. When I got back on he changed my status, I had no more of my good items, and all my gralats were gone.

    What did I do for this to happen?
    Answer:You never give out any of your account information to anyone, unless its a staff member. If they say they are a staff member ask them for proof, for example a colored nickname, not red, or blue, ect. Like gold color, if they have that on there name then it should be safe. But no matter what I would still not tell anyone. If you want to end up like this guy follow these rules.


    Now, lets talk about if you do give your account information to someone. There's one thing that might save you, account verification in the location. I am not positive on this but if the device is logged onto in a different location you will have to accept the device through your email and that device can not get on it in the unknown location until its verified by clicking on the link. If you do get one of these DO NOT TOUCH IT. You can click on the email and read it but do not click on any of the links, unless above the link it says "If you did not do this, please click here to cancel". But it will probably say "If you didn't do this, ignore this email". So if you didn't do that yet your good and don't have to stress out finding staff and figuring this all out.

    Question: I don't know any staff members names! How do I find them?!
    Answer:Well, you could always say showguild Player Relations. If it doesn't show any names that means there are no staff members that are on the tag right now or there's no Player Relations staff on at the moment. But if a name does pop up, write down there name and what you want to do is follow the picture steps below. If you do like I have talked about earlier tell them to put on a gold tag after and if you don't trust them don't do it.

    The first thing you want to do is open up the tab menu and open up friends.
    photo 1 (1).jpg

    Then when your at friends click on more actions.
    photo 2 (1).jpg

    After you did that click on search player database.
    photo 3 (1).jpg

    Now, the player I searched was offline but this is just an example, after you search that staff member, make sure they have a golden name at the top of there profile.
    photo 4 (1).jpg
    photo 5.jpg

    Now, lets do a new thing but with the same things I have shown before. Don't be tricked by this, be smart when you see something like the pictures below.
    So lets start a new story we will make together...
    Once long ago, there was a player that wanted to become admin so much, he was about to give all his information away. Until he read my thread and he was like "Hey! Your Not A Admin!". He remembered everything the thread master told him on the thread. He would never give out any of his information besides a staff member with proof.
    photo 1 (2).jpg
    photo 2 (2).jpg

    This is just another way for a player to trick you into giving your account information away. This will probably never happen to you, but remember the difference of the font color from a tag and a doll!

    Sorry MSM, didn't cause any trouble, atleast your in a guide!


    The #1 Rule That SHOULD be followed is, just because they got your information, don't go trying to hack there account back.


    Now, this was a remake of a guide that is already on here. I thought this would be good to the community and I hope this gets shared. This thread will be updated weekly or even maybe sooner. I hope you guys have a GRAALtastic day!


    Contact me on iEra! I'd love to talk with you : Spike Johnson
    Last edited by SpikeJohnson; 01-31-2014 at 11:51 AM. Reason: fixed:)

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