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Thread: 96 EC, Help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    L.A, Cali

    96 EC, Help?

    So currently, I've been earning alot of ec ever since I tried events. Well the point it I have 96+ and I want to know what's best to do with them. I was thinking of buying a double saber but Gas Gun and Flame Thrower still interest me. Can you give me suggestions and explain why you suggest so? Thanks
    -Graal since 1/3/11
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  2. #2
    Newcomer PeacePunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Katy, TX
    I would go double saber in my opinion, seems cooler

  3. #3
    Gas gun launches gas and explosives, I wouldnt find it helpful unless you were attacking pz (Flanking the flag from over wall behind it.) The Flame is good if you can use it right. it is s bit too accurate in spar and ive been told it has a huge reload. In my opinion ide get flame though.

  4. #4
    Gas gun. You can spam it, if you're a basing person, its really awesome, it's my next goal, flame in the other hand, was nerfed a lot and minigun beats it. It has no spread at all, flames got smaller, speed was nerfed I believe, and it was added 5 dmg which does not make up for the speed lost,spread lost and flames lost.
    Double saber isn't really useful but more of an entertainment tool. It has the same stats as the single saber I believe.
    My first choice would be a saber
    My second would be gas gun
    My third would be flame
    And my fourth would be double saber
    Questions? Don't be afraid to message me.

  5. #5
    i got my flame cause t is spammer king lol. with this weapon you can base really cool and play in spar cool too

    IGN: SashaGryg/Skype: sashagrygprovych
    Ask for help and you will receive

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    L.A, Cali
    I have 100 ec now help mehh!
    -Graal since 1/3/11
    Feel Free To Rep Me If: You Found My Post Funny, Intriguing, or Helpful. Thanks!

  7. #7
    do gas gun just do i, i do not need to explain

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