Profile Pumpkin hat.png
Any advice on how to improve this gun? Please let me know below
Profile Pumpkin hat.png
Any advice on how to improve this gun? Please let me know below
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Maybe try shading it out a bit, add more texture
Player RelationsIGN- Bri
If you need anything feel free to pm me on the forums or in-game =)
Is that a .png I can't see it it is to little.
Looks awesome of what I can see.
You have 10k gralats already.
Mirror the grip, doesn't look good like that. Fix your shading and have better color choices. Where is the part to unload ammo? If that small 3x7 thing is it, make it bigger.
Tbh, it has no relation to pumpkins whatsoever, and I doubt they'd be coming out the barrel.
It's basically an orange gun.
Now for cc:
-Shading could be better
-Make the colours contrast more, altogether brightening the gun color
-The trigger is strangely placed, why is it behind the grip?
Honestly, I'm not good at this cc thing,
/summon Kendrick Lamar
- - - Updated - - -
Gosh darnit.
Thank all of you for the advice. I will be re-posting this tomorrow implementing everything you guys told me. Also is there any advice you could give Kendrick? Constructive criticism is needed.
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